One lump or two - porcelain commissioned teapot award

Creative Awards London once again are proud to announce another beautiful custom award. Whilst the award was produced a few years ago, it remains not only one of our most popular awards but also one of the most unique.
The United Kingdom has a long history of producing fine china and porcelain goods. Dating back for over three centuries, the British porcelain industry is a nod towards both history and heritage. Desired the world over, British porcelain became synonymous across the world for fine design and exceptional quality. Not only does the very material capture a traditional British industry, but the teapot form itself represents what is often associated with our small nation. Indeed, tea remains the most popular drink in the UK with over 165,000,000 cups being drunk every single day!
Taking inspiration from traditional crafts and a centuries-old industry, the porcelain teapot was a private commission that sought to capture, in a playful, manner, the ‘essence of Britishness’ and recognise long service for the recipient. Handmade in our London workshop, the smooth curves of the body elegantly contrast with the angular lines of the wooden base. The cream glistening body is heightened by the hand engraved royal motive and quote from the popular Sting song ‘Englishman in New York’:
I don't drink coffee I take tea, my dear
I like my toast done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm an Englishman in New York
The award represents the use of a new medium for Creative Awards London to stunning success and we are proud to have produced a custom award that draws on the heritage of craft and artisan talent.