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Winter themed awards

Welcome back to the Creative Awards London blog where we bring you the very best in custom made awards and bespoke design. As the temperature drops across the UK and the nights grow ever more longer, we cast a topical eye towards our winter themed awards. We're not going to lie, it's utterly freezing in London at the moment. These clear blue crisp morning may be beautiful but they do certainly chill the bones. How to keep warm in winter this year? Don't worry, we have you covered...

Copper Stag Award 

Custom made stag award Creative AwardsWhat better way to keep warm on a cold winter's morning, day, or evening than with a warming glass of the delightful golden amber liquid that is whisky. Celebrating and capturing the essence of the famous Scottish brand, the copper whisky award was made from aged oak barrels used in the whisky-making process to impart a sweet, rich aroma to the award. What's more, the body of the award was made from copper, a nod towards the metal used in the distilling process. 

Flat Cap Award

Bespoke flat cap award Creative AwardsHow else to keep warm in winter? Wrapping up of course. Whilst the cyclical nature of fashion comes and goes one thing is constant: the flat cap will never go out of fashion. Some may argue it has never been in fashion, but what do they know? A fun and exciting award, the humble flat cap takes centre stage in this bespoke commission. Housed in a beautiful glass and wood custom built frame, the Flat Cap Award is our winter choice of clothing to keep you all nice and toasty. 

O'Neill Snowboarding Award

Metal and rock custom made award Creative AwardsIf you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Keeping active is one way to stave of the icy reach of Mr Jack Frost and snowboarding is surely one of the coolest ways to keep warm. Commissioned by one of the biggest brands in the world, the contemporary custom award for O'Neill draws inspiration from the youthful and energetic company. Featuring a highly polished engraved metal body with alt graphics, the award rests on a gnarly piece of rock offering a contrast in the smooth lines of the metal. 

ICE Awards

custom made ice awards Creative AwardsOne of these awards is not like the other... Yes, we know that ice isn't the best thing to warm you up but how could a winter themed awards week be complete without the ICE Award. This bespoke commission is one of our most popular awards. Featuring a jagged and gnarled iceberg, breaking through the waves and creating bubbles, this award is seriously cool. 

Victory Flame Award

Golden Flame AwardIf in doubt get the wood fire out. What could be better than sitting around a nice wood fire to warm up in winter with your friends and family? We turn up the heat with our beautiful Victory Flame Award. The custom made metal award was hand crafted by our expert craftsman in our  workshop. Featuring a contemporary design that is both eye catching and thought provoking, this trophy may be hot stuff but it may not keep you that warm for winter. 


We hope that our awesome awards have helped you to keep just a tiny bit warmer this winter. For more information on our bespoke awards and trophies speak to our design teams today on sales@creativeawardslondon.co.uk or call 020 8159 2748 for a quotation or to discuss any ideas that you may have.



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