// Plant A Tree | Creative Awards London Limited Skip to main content

Plant A Tree

At Creative Awards London we understand the importance of supporting both the climate action goals of our clients and those of our own business. To achieve this, we partner with THG who share our commitment to becoming greener and to protect our planet's future. THG, in turn, partner with tree planting partners across the world who work with local communities to restore healthy forests and reduce extreme poverty. 

We are proud to be able to offer our clients the opportunity to purchase a tree and help offset the emissions created within the design, production and delivery of their awards through THG's sustainable tree planting programme. 

What are the benefits of planting trees?
  • Absorb carbon from the atmosphere
  • Provide farms with work to support the local economy
  • Provide an income and a skill to feed a family
  • Protect animals from deforestation
  • Increase rainfall, purify water and improve crop yield.
How it works in two simple steps:
  1. Creative Awards London are partnering with THG's world-renowned tree planting programme
  2. On purchase of their awards, our clients have the opportunity to buy a tree and offset the emissions within the production and delivery of their awards.

Committed to creating a healthier, greener planet we are passionate about offsetting climate change and helping the world to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Where possible, all of our bespoke sustainable awards are made from recycled and sustainable sources that help to reduce our impact on the environment and minimise our carbon footprint.

By planting trees, we can help to...

  • Sequester CO2 and help the planet
  • Support communities & families
  • Protect animals from deforestation
We are delighted to be able to do our part for our clients and our own sustainable goals and look forward to making a difference with our Plant a Tree service. The more trees we plant, the more we all help.

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