Red Award Ideas

Red for centuries has come to symbolise many things in many societies across the world and across generations. The colour of passion, desire and danger, from the allure of red lipstick to the deep, warming hues of red wine. From the warning signs that illuminate the roads to the cherished colour of beloved football teams. In this week’s blog entry we embrace red in all its forms and look to offer our know-how and insights in how to use red to design awards.
Vodafone - Let the brand speak for itself
Keeping it simple is one of the hardest things to master when designing. How do you strike a balance and let the simple speak volumes? Displace one note and there would be diminishment, displace one phrase and the structure would fall. Well, one way is to turn all of the attention onto the branding of the client. Our award for Vodafone uses the iconic logo of the brand as the centrepoint for the award and rests on a profiled black base keeping it simple yet impactful. When it’s a client this big, you can certainly let their brand do the talking.
Rocksound - The devil is in the details
An award is more than the sum of its parts and it is the parts and the details that create the extra element of genius when designing our bespoke pieces. For ourselves, awards constitute various components from both a structural and aesthetic point of view. The Rocksound award is composed of various shapes and textures each interplaying to create the overall award. Our favourite part of this award is the jagged lines that run around the edge of the award. What do they represent you may ask? Well, given that the award is for a music festival, we turned our attention to creating the soundwave from the word Rocksound and adding it into the award.
Youtube - Complementary colours add depth
Why do certain colour combinations just work? Why is that the colours of some brands and logos stick with us? Not just because design teams have been paid lots of money but the colours chosen are chosen for a reason. They just work. Take our Youtube Award for example. Made from just three colours that combine perfectly to create an impactful and meaningful design.
Zoo - Play with shapes
The shape of an award can make or break its final design and choosing the right shape can make all the difference. The eye-catching commission for Zoo Magazine captures the style and urgency of one of the leading men’s magazines of the noughties and the suitable retro round body is on point. Featuring a high resolution graphic printed on a red piece of custom cut Perspex, the award is mounted on a highly polished and engraved base.
Mortgage - Make your materials work together
Using the right materials for the job and choosing materials that work well together is something that allows an award to truly come together. A trifecta of materials was chosen, each with their own unique properties, to make the Mortgage awards. The house profile body was cut from brilliant aluminium with the roof custom made from red Perspex with wood before the award was finally finished with applied graphics and engraving.